Friday, November 5, 2010

CCH 70-3 Specification for inspection of steel castings of hydraulic machines Editon 3 [June 2006]; ( Annuls and Replace the Edition 2 of June 1979 ) ; Include 5 Technical Specifications: - for General Receiving Requirements GE 70-3 ( General ) ; for Dye Penentrant Inspection PT 70-3 ( Penetrant Testing ) ; - for Magnetic Particle Inpection MT 70-3 ( Magnetic Testing ) ; - for Ultrasonic Inspection UT 70-3 (Ultrasonic Testing ) ; - for Radiographic Inspection RT 70-3 ( Radiographic Testing ) ; ( Original Standard , Norma Original ) : Updates 2011 / 2012

There are no changes since June 1996.

This document is available in the following versions: Deutsch, Englisch and France.

Edition 3: English:
Specification for Inspection of Steel Castings for Hydraulic Machines.

Edition 3: France:
Cahier des Charges Hydrauliques.

Edition 3: Deutsch
Pflichtenheft für die Abnahme von Stahlgußstücken für hydraulische Maschinen.


The objective of CCH-3 is to give an unequivocal definition of the technical and general supply conditions for cast steel components used in hydraulic machines. It is therefore applicable for all items having at least one element in cast steel and constituing one part of a hydraulic machine.


The present specification comprises:

6 Indicative Specimens the Quality Sheets, with its addions

5 Technical Specifications:

- for General Receiving Requirements.......GE 70-3 ( General )
- for Dye Penentrant Inspection...............PT 70-3  ( Penetrant Testing )
- for Magnetic Particle Inpection..............MT 70-3 ( Magnetic Testing )
- for Ultrasonic Inspection......................UT  70-3 (Ultrasonic Testing )
- for Radiographic Inspection..................RT 70-3  ( Radiographic Testing )


CCH 70-1 Nov 1971
The first edition was prepared on the initiative of a Study Group (Group d' Etude) formed by several European Designers and Founders.

CCH 70-2 June 1979
The second edition took into account the accumulated experiences during the first years of use.

CCH 70-3 The third edition is adapted:
- to the actual principles of the Quality organization,
- to the frequent practice of finishing the parts in the shops of a firm other than the Designer,
- to the latest developments of non destructive inspections.

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