
Prazo de entrega entre 3 a 4 semanas após seu lançamento em Novembro de 2014.
O recebimento de encomendas internacionais está sujeito a procedimentos aduaneiros e isto pode causar atrasos além do tempo estimado de entrega.
A nova edição da CCH 70 (Specification for Inspection of Steel Castings of Hydraulic Machines) está prevista para o mês de Novembro de 2014.
A New CCH 70-4 will be published in the month november, 2014
This document is available in the following versions: Deutsch, Englisch and France.
Edition 4: English: Specification for Inspection of Steel Castings for Hydraulic Machines.
Edition 4: France: Cahier des Charges Hydrauliques.
Edition 4: Deutsch: Pflichtenheft für die Abnahme von Stahlgußstücken für hydraulische Maschinen.
- CCH 70-1 Nov 1971 The first edition was prepared on the initiative of a Study Group (Group d' Etude) formed by several European Designers and Founders.
- CCH 70-2 June 1979The second edition took into account the accumulated experiences during the first years of use.
- CCH 70-3 The third edition is adapted:- to the actual principles of the Quality organization,- to the frequent practice of finishing the parts in the shops of a firm other than the Designer,- to the latest developments of non destructive inspections.
- CCH 70-4 Nov 2014 *** A New CCH 70-3 will be published in the month november, 2014 ***