Erik Oberg, Franklin D Jones, Henry H Ryffel, Christopher J McCauley, Ricardo M Heald, Muhammed I Hussain
Published: February, 2008
ISBN 9780831128883
Get ready, get set…and take advantage of ready access to hundreds of critical math equations from the premier reference in its field with a click of your mouse! Machinery's Handbook 28th Edition CD-ROM provides what many of you have been asking for…INTERACTIVE MATH. With a simple Internet connection you'll be able to instantly calculate cutting speeds, dimensions of bevels, moments of inertia, the measurement of various screw threads, the center of gravity for any shape, hardness of material, volumes, taper angles, matrices, and much, much more.
In addition, the new 28th Edition CD continues to combine the complete contents of the Handbook with the power, versatility, and convenience of Adobe PDF. These compact files can be viewed, navigated, and printed exactly as they appear by anyone with Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is included free on this disk. Now more than ever the CD, combined with the print edition, is the most powerful tool you'll need to easily and effectively perform your job!
Minimum Requirements: 486PC processor or higher; Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP; 10MB RAM for Windows 95/98, 16MB RAM for Windows NT; 10MB available HD space, CD-ROM drive, VGA or higher resolution color monitor, Windows-compatible printer, and an internet connection.
- Features complete text searches to locate information quickly and easily.
- Includes interlinks to connect to related topics and examples, including a live index.
- Prints correctly on virtually any printing device.
- Displays text and graphics exactly as created.
- Contains zoom features for detailed viewing.
- Provides cut and paste capabilities for inserting text and graphics into other documents and programs.
Table of Contents
- Mathematics
- Mechanics and Strength of Materials
- Properties, Treatment, and Testing of Materials
- Dimensioning, Gaging, and Measuring
- Tooling and Toolmaking
- Machining Operations
- Manufacturing Processes
- Fasteners
- Threads and Threading
- Gears, Splines, and Cams
- Machine Elements
- Measuring Units
- Index
- Index of Standards
- Index of Interactive Equations
- Index of Materials
O Mundo Científico Publicações é uma empresa que possui altos padrões de qualidade, integridade e excelência no fornecimento eficiente e econômico de publicações e na representação de editoras, associações e entidades normativas internacionais no Brasil. Vendemos publicações técnicas, Nacionais e Internacionais: Livros novos, raros, antigos, esgotados e que não existem no mercado brasileiro. Mantemos contatos com mais de 800 editoras, 250 livrarias e antiquários do mundo inteiro.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Machinery's Handbook 28th Edition Toolbox ; [Erik Oberg, Franklin D Jones, Henry H Ryffel, Christopher J McCauley, Ricardo M Heald, Muhammed I Hussain]; Published: February, 2008 ; ISBN 9780831128005
Toolbox Edition
Erik Oberg, Franklin D Jones, Henry H Ryffel, Christopher J McCauley, Ricardo M Heald, Muhammed I Hussain
2704 pages,
Published: February, 2008
ISBN 9780831128005
Celebrating nearly 100 years as "The Bible of the Mechanical Industries", the 28th edition brings together volumes of knowledge, information and data gathered, revised and improved upon from experts throughout the mechanical industries. Extraordinarily comprehensive yet easy to use since it premiered, Machinery's Handbook provides mechanical and manufacturing engineers, designers, draftsmen, toolmakers, and machinists with a broad range material, from the very basic to the more advanced. It has always, and continues to provide industry fundamentals and standards while it moves into the 21st century with material reflecting technological advances and offering vast editorial improvements, making the 28th Edition the best tool…ever!
- New sections on…CNC Numerical Controls (written by Peter Smid-author of CNC Programming Handbook), Manufacturing Data Analysis, Fluid Mechanics, Distinguishing Bolts from Screws, Helical Coil Screw Thread Inserts, Calculating Thread Dimensions, Lubrication, Ball and Acme Leadscrews, and Shaft Alignment. I
- Revised material on… Properties, Treatment, and Testing of Materials; Dimensioning; Gaging, and Measuring; Tool and Toolmaking; Manufacturing Processes
- A very user-friendly format…readers will never have to search outside of an area for information on the topic they are exploring.
- Broad math coverage…from the basic to the advanced, you'll find fractions, positive and negative numbers, derivatives and integrals, analytical geometry, circular segments, matrices and engineering economics.
- Updated Standards.
- Individual indices for standards, materials, and interactive equations.
Table of Contents
- Mathematics
- Mechanics and Strength of Materials
- Properties, Treatment, and Testing of Materials
- Dimensioning, Gaging, and Measuring
- Tooling and Toolmaking
- Machining Operations
- Manufacturing Processes
- Fasteners
- Threads and Threading
- Gears, Splines, and Cams
- Machine Elements
- Measuring Units
- Index
- Index of Standards
- Index of Interactive Equations
- Index of Materials
Erik Oberg, Franklin D Jones, Henry H Ryffel, Christopher J McCauley, Ricardo M Heald, Muhammed I Hussain
2704 pages,
Published: February, 2008
ISBN 9780831128005
Celebrating nearly 100 years as "The Bible of the Mechanical Industries", the 28th edition brings together volumes of knowledge, information and data gathered, revised and improved upon from experts throughout the mechanical industries. Extraordinarily comprehensive yet easy to use since it premiered, Machinery's Handbook provides mechanical and manufacturing engineers, designers, draftsmen, toolmakers, and machinists with a broad range material, from the very basic to the more advanced. It has always, and continues to provide industry fundamentals and standards while it moves into the 21st century with material reflecting technological advances and offering vast editorial improvements, making the 28th Edition the best tool…ever!
- New sections on…CNC Numerical Controls (written by Peter Smid-author of CNC Programming Handbook), Manufacturing Data Analysis, Fluid Mechanics, Distinguishing Bolts from Screws, Helical Coil Screw Thread Inserts, Calculating Thread Dimensions, Lubrication, Ball and Acme Leadscrews, and Shaft Alignment. I
- Revised material on… Properties, Treatment, and Testing of Materials; Dimensioning; Gaging, and Measuring; Tool and Toolmaking; Manufacturing Processes
- A very user-friendly format…readers will never have to search outside of an area for information on the topic they are exploring.
- Broad math coverage…from the basic to the advanced, you'll find fractions, positive and negative numbers, derivatives and integrals, analytical geometry, circular segments, matrices and engineering economics.
- Updated Standards.
- Individual indices for standards, materials, and interactive equations.
Table of Contents
- Mathematics
- Mechanics and Strength of Materials
- Properties, Treatment, and Testing of Materials
- Dimensioning, Gaging, and Measuring
- Tooling and Toolmaking
- Machining Operations
- Manufacturing Processes
- Fasteners
- Threads and Threading
- Gears, Splines, and Cams
- Machine Elements
- Measuring Units
- Index
- Index of Standards
- Index of Interactive Equations
- Index of Materials
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Standards Email Notification Service - Serviço de Atualização Normativa por email 2011 / 2012 - Fique informado sobre qualquer mudança relacionada as normas como: revisões, reafirmações, correções, substituições, cancelamentos, bem como emendas e suplementos
Fique informado sobre qualquer mudança relacionada as normas e outros produtos relacionados como manuais, anuários e códigos! Inteiramente grátis para quem comprou estes produtos conosco (no primeiro ano) ou através de uma assinatura.
As normas podem sofrer periodicamente revisões, reafirmações, correções, substituições, cancelamentos, bem como ser emendadas e suplementadas. Conservar sua coleção de normas atualizadas pode consumir muito tempo e é um serviço custoso, mas essencial.
O nosso serviço de atualização e controle normativo é uma solução ideal para que você tenha sempre as últimas edições no seu acervo e para aqueles que necessitam controlar documentos e registros normativos (atende os requisitos 4.2.3 e 4.2.4 da norma ISO 9001).
As normas podem sofrer periodicamente revisões, reafirmações, correções, substituições, cancelamentos, bem como ser emendadas e suplementadas. Conservar sua coleção de normas atualizadas pode consumir muito tempo e é um serviço custoso, mas essencial.
O nosso serviço de atualização e controle normativo é uma solução ideal para que você tenha sempre as últimas edições no seu acervo e para aqueles que necessitam controlar documentos e registros normativos (atende os requisitos 4.2.3 e 4.2.4 da norma ISO 9001).
Monday, August 15, 2011
EPA SW-846 - Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods - Integrated Manual - Package CD-ROM and Printed 2011 / 2012 (Updates I, II, IIA, IIB and III)
EPA Waste's official compendium of analytical and sampling methods that have been evaluated and approved for use in complying with RCRA regulations.
The SW-846 manual provides test procedures and guidance which are recommended for use in conducting the evaluations and measurements needed to comply with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Public Law 94-580, as amended. These methods are accepted by the U.S. EPA for obtaining data to satisfy the requirements of 40 CFR, Parts 122 through 270, promulgated under RCRA, as amended.
This manual presents the state of the art in routine analytical tests adapted for the RCRA program. It contains procedures for field and laboratory quality control, sampling, determining hazardous constituents in wastes, determining the hazardous characteristics of wastes (toxicity, ignitability, reactivity, and corrosivity), and for determining physical properties of wastes. It also contains guidance on how to select appropriate methods.
Available both on CD-ROM and as printed publications.
SW-846 Integrated Manual - CD-ROM and Printed
SW-846 Most Recent Draft Update - CD-ROM and Printed
SW-846 Most Recent Final Update
Individual Final Update Packages
CD-ROM VERSION: SW-846 Integrated Manual with Updates Through Final Update III
Version 2.0 of SW-846 on CD-ROM contains the entire SW-846 Integrated Manual with Final Updates I, II, IIA, IIB, and III already integrated including images of illustrative diagrams, chromatograms and flow diagrams. This CD-ROM, developed by EPA in cooperation with the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), eliminates the need to manually update the paper copy manual and ensures you are always working with the most current version.
With SW-846 on CD-ROM, you can:
Receive the complete, official, up-to-date, set of SW-846 methods with integrated diagrams and flowcharts on a single disc.
Search by chemical name, CAS number, method number, or keyword to find suitable methods.
View or print a page or the entire method with valuable embedded diagrams, figures, and flowcharts.
Cut and paste text, diagrams and flowcharts to update standard operating procedures (SOPs) in your own word processor.
Use the new Analyte to Crossreference Table to select recommended methods by chemical name.
A new version of SW-846 on CD-ROM containing the entire Integrated Manual is created after EPA promulgates a final update.
The SW-846 manual provides test procedures and guidance which are recommended for use in conducting the evaluations and measurements needed to comply with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Public Law 94-580, as amended. These methods are accepted by the U.S. EPA for obtaining data to satisfy the requirements of 40 CFR, Parts 122 through 270, promulgated under RCRA, as amended.
This manual presents the state of the art in routine analytical tests adapted for the RCRA program. It contains procedures for field and laboratory quality control, sampling, determining hazardous constituents in wastes, determining the hazardous characteristics of wastes (toxicity, ignitability, reactivity, and corrosivity), and for determining physical properties of wastes. It also contains guidance on how to select appropriate methods.
Available both on CD-ROM and as printed publications.
SW-846 Integrated Manual - CD-ROM and Printed
SW-846 Most Recent Draft Update - CD-ROM and Printed
SW-846 Most Recent Final Update
Individual Final Update Packages
CD-ROM VERSION: SW-846 Integrated Manual with Updates Through Final Update III
Version 2.0 of SW-846 on CD-ROM contains the entire SW-846 Integrated Manual with Final Updates I, II, IIA, IIB, and III already integrated including images of illustrative diagrams, chromatograms and flow diagrams. This CD-ROM, developed by EPA in cooperation with the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), eliminates the need to manually update the paper copy manual and ensures you are always working with the most current version.
With SW-846 on CD-ROM, you can:
Receive the complete, official, up-to-date, set of SW-846 methods with integrated diagrams and flowcharts on a single disc.
Search by chemical name, CAS number, method number, or keyword to find suitable methods.
View or print a page or the entire method with valuable embedded diagrams, figures, and flowcharts.
Cut and paste text, diagrams and flowcharts to update standard operating procedures (SOPs) in your own word processor.
Use the new Analyte to Crossreference Table to select recommended methods by chemical name.
A new version of SW-846 on CD-ROM containing the entire Integrated Manual is created after EPA promulgates a final update.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Relatórios de Avaliação e Conformidade Normativa,Técnica e Regulatória 2011 / 2012 *** Monitore suas Normas Técnicas ***
- Relatório Conformidade Normativa (Atualização de coleção de normas Internacionais e Estrangeiras)
É uma Auditoria periódica (mensal) de uma coleção de normas analisando a versão de uma lista mestra e a versão atual da norma disponível em cada entidade. Visa assegurar que de analisando se a norma sofreu: Revisão, Reafirmação, susbtituição, correção, se possui alguma emenda ou algum suplemento.
- Relatório Conformidade Técnica
Assegurar que procedimentos e instruções de trabalho estão em conformidade com as últimas versões das normas regulamentos técnicos.
Serviços de consultoria personalizados
- Elaboração de Procedimentos e Instruções de Trabalho e Processos de Melhoria Contínua
Definição da estrutura de funcionamento e operação produtiva da empresa
a) Definição do Fluxo Geral de produção da empresa
b) Criação dos Procedimentos e Instruções de Trabalho
c) Definição dos Indicadores de Desempenho
d) Elaboração do Sistema de Gestão dos Indicadores
- Sistema de Auditoria de Conformidade Regulatória
- Sistema de Gestão de documentos e regulamentos técnicos (internos, externos e registros)
- Auditoria de terceira parte – trata-se da auditoria realizada por um terceiro independente, que não tem nenhum interesse no resultado da auditoria.
- Pesquisa de Normas nacionais e Internacionais sobre um determinado assunto.
- Identificação de Normas Internacionais e Estrangeiras
The Future of Water: A Startling Look Ahead ; By Steve Maxwell with Scott Yates ; Edition: 2011 - Hardback - 243 pp. ; ISBN 9781583218099
Population growth and unchallenged water use have brought us to the brink of a worldwide water crisis. This fascinating book presents scenarios for the broad trends that will have a significant impact upon future water challenges. Examine what the next 100 years may bring to water use, prices, and availability--and how individuals, water utilities, industries, and countries can change the future of water.
Your time machine into the future
The Future of Water: A Startling Look Ahead is an intriguingly realistic look at
–The future of water use at homeGrass species that live on common seawater. Clothes washers that use a cup of water per load--or no water at all. UV-light dishwashers. Toilets that flush with reused bathwater.
–The future of agricultural water use
Learn the many innovative ways farmers are growing more food with less water. In coming years, don’t be surprised if you see on packaging, “Irrigated with natural rainfall, no fossil waters used.”
–The future of industrial water use
We will see industry increasingly move to where water is plentiful. Old industrial cities in the rainy northeast US that have been shrinking and decaying for decades may experience revitalization.
–The future sources of water
Wastewater and stormwater reuse will become commonplace to provide sources of water for drinking, energy production, agriculture, and industry. We may derive some of our water literally from the air we breathe.
–The future of water storage
America is tearing down many old dams, while China and Africa are on dam-building binges. How will the US meet its water storage needs with fewer dams? What do these new Chinese and African dams–some the biggest ever built–mean for the future of water?
–The future of water utilities
Watch for widespread consolidation of small utilities for efficiency and cost-savings. Many water utilities will follow Singapore’s innovative lead to become better at educating the public of the true value of water.
–The future of water business
Learn about innovative, advanced solutions to the challenges of water scarcity, storage, treatment, and distribution.
–The future role of water
Rivers, lakes, and aquifers cross political borders, creating conflicts. Learn about many innovative technologies and creative solutions to water problems.
Table of Contents
1. Looking Back on the Future of Water
2. The Future of Water Use Around the Home
3. The Future of Water Use Inside the Home
4. The Future of Agricultural Water Use
5. The Future of Industrial Water Use
6. Future Sources of Water
7. The Future of Water Storage
8. The Future of Water Utilities
9. The Future of Water Business
10. The Future Role of Water
11. Looking Forward to the Future of Water
Bibliographic References
Steve Maxwell takes us straight into the realities of the water crisis that is now spreading through all parts of the country, and indeed the entire world.
Bruce Babbitt
Former US Secretary of the Interior
Also available as a Kindle Edition
Published By AWWA
Edition: 2011 - Hardback - 243 pp.
ISBN 9781583218099 - Catalog No. 20692
Your time machine into the future
The Future of Water: A Startling Look Ahead is an intriguingly realistic look at
–The future of water use at homeGrass species that live on common seawater. Clothes washers that use a cup of water per load--or no water at all. UV-light dishwashers. Toilets that flush with reused bathwater.
–The future of agricultural water use
Learn the many innovative ways farmers are growing more food with less water. In coming years, don’t be surprised if you see on packaging, “Irrigated with natural rainfall, no fossil waters used.”
–The future of industrial water use
We will see industry increasingly move to where water is plentiful. Old industrial cities in the rainy northeast US that have been shrinking and decaying for decades may experience revitalization.
–The future sources of water
Wastewater and stormwater reuse will become commonplace to provide sources of water for drinking, energy production, agriculture, and industry. We may derive some of our water literally from the air we breathe.
–The future of water storage
America is tearing down many old dams, while China and Africa are on dam-building binges. How will the US meet its water storage needs with fewer dams? What do these new Chinese and African dams–some the biggest ever built–mean for the future of water?
–The future of water utilities
Watch for widespread consolidation of small utilities for efficiency and cost-savings. Many water utilities will follow Singapore’s innovative lead to become better at educating the public of the true value of water.
–The future of water business
Learn about innovative, advanced solutions to the challenges of water scarcity, storage, treatment, and distribution.
–The future role of water
Rivers, lakes, and aquifers cross political borders, creating conflicts. Learn about many innovative technologies and creative solutions to water problems.
Table of Contents
1. Looking Back on the Future of Water
2. The Future of Water Use Around the Home
3. The Future of Water Use Inside the Home
4. The Future of Agricultural Water Use
5. The Future of Industrial Water Use
6. Future Sources of Water
7. The Future of Water Storage
8. The Future of Water Utilities
9. The Future of Water Business
10. The Future Role of Water
11. Looking Forward to the Future of Water
Bibliographic References
Steve Maxwell takes us straight into the realities of the water crisis that is now spreading through all parts of the country, and indeed the entire world.
Bruce Babbitt
Former US Secretary of the Interior
Also available as a Kindle Edition
Published By AWWA
Edition: 2011 - Hardback - 243 pp.
ISBN 9781583218099 - Catalog No. 20692
Thursday, August 11, 2011
International Standard Units for Water and Wastewater Processes 2011 - Author(s): WEF, AWWA, IWA - Publication Date: 18 Apr 2011 • ISBN: 9781843395447 - Pages: 120 • Paperback *** The updated 4th edition of WEF Manual of Practice No. 6
The updated 4th edition of WEF Manual of Practice No. 6 continues its goal to establish units of expression that are universally understandable and readily comparable for all design, operation, and performance factors.
The manual was written for engineering professionals familiar with water and wastewater treatment concepts, the design process, and the regulatory basis for water and wastewater control.
The manual reflects current design practices of water and wastewater engineering professionals and focuses on particular sectors of the water and wastewater industry including:
-units used with water treatment systems
-standard units for water and wastewater conveyance systems
-units used with wastewater treatment systems
-units used with facilities associated with the support of treatment systems
-units used with water reuse systems
Published jointly by WEF, AWWA, and IWA.
Edition: 2011 - Softbound - 90 pp.
ISBN 9781572782686
The manual was written for engineering professionals familiar with water and wastewater treatment concepts, the design process, and the regulatory basis for water and wastewater control.
The manual reflects current design practices of water and wastewater engineering professionals and focuses on particular sectors of the water and wastewater industry including:
-units used with water treatment systems
-standard units for water and wastewater conveyance systems
-units used with wastewater treatment systems
-units used with facilities associated with the support of treatment systems
-units used with water reuse systems
Published jointly by WEF, AWWA, and IWA.
Edition: 2011 - Softbound - 90 pp.
ISBN 9781572782686
SAE Recently Published Standards 2011 - New, Revised, Reaffirmed, and Cancelled SAE Aerospace Material Specifications August 2011
Document | Status | Title |
AMSQQA250/13A | Cancelled | Aluminum Alloy Alclad 7075, Plate and Sheet (Cancelled Jul 2011) |
AMS2451C | Revised | Plating, Brush, General Requirements |
AMS2631D | Revised | Ultrasonic Inspection, Titanium and Titanium Alloy Bar, Billet and Plate |
AMS2700D | Revised | Passivation of Corrosion Resistant Steels |
AMS2771D | Revised | Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Castings |
AMS2772F | Revised | Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Raw Materials |
AMS4595 | Issued | Copper Nickel Tin Alloy Plate, 77Cu - 15Ni - 8Sn, Solution Annealed and Spinodal Hardened (TX 00) |
AMS4599 | Issued | Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate, 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.06Ti - 0.10V - 0.18Zr, Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated (2219-T81/-T851) |
AMS4600 | Issued | Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate, 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.06Ti - 0.10V - 0.18Zr, Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked (8%) and Naturally Aged (2219 -T37) |
AMS4601 | Issued | Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate, 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.06Ti - 0.10V - 0.18Zr, Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked and Naturally Aged (2219 -T31/-T351) |
AMS4613 | Issued | Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate, 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.06Ti - 0.10V - 0.18Zr, Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked (8%) and Precipitation Heat Treated (2219 -T87) |
AMS4617 | Issued | Aluminum Alloy, Extrusions, 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-T73, 7075-T73511, 7075-T73510) Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved by Stretching When Required, and Overaged |
AMS5540N | Revised | Nickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate, 74Ni - 15.5Cr - 8.0Fe, Annealed |
AMS5554F | Revised | Steel, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Seamless Tubing, 16.5Cr - 4.5Ni - 2.9Mo - 0.10N, Annealed |
AMS5568G | Revised | Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Welded Tubing, 17Cr - 7.1Ni - 1.1Al, Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation-Hardenable |
AMS5569B | Revised | Steel, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, Seamless and Welded Hydraulic Tubing, 19Cr - 9.5Ni - 0.03C max, Cold Drawn, 1/8 Hard Temper |
AMS5604F | Revised | Steel, Corrosion Resistant, Sheet, Strip, and Plate, 16.5Cr - 4.0Ni - 4.0Cu - 0.30Cb, Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable |
AMS5718D | Revised | Steel, Bars, Forgings, Tubing, and Rings, Corrosion Resistant, 11.8Cr - 2.5Ni - 1.8Mo - 0.33V (0.08 - 0.15C), Annealed |
AMS5846C | Revised | Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Bars and Forgings, 53Ni - 15Cr - 18.5Co - 5.0Mo - 3.2Ti - 4.2Al - 0.03B, Double Vacuum Melted, Solution, Stabilization, and Precipitation Heat Treated |
AMS5938A | Revised | Steel, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars, Wire, and Forgings, 10Cr - 12Ni - 2Mo - 1.45Al - 1.15Ti, Vacuum Induction Plus Vacuum Consumable Electrode Melted, Solution Heat Treated, Precipitation Hardenable |
AMS6494A | Revised | Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, 1.0Cr - 2.50Ni - 2.0Mo - 1.10Si (0.10 - 0.20C) Aircraft-Quality |
AMS6495A | Revised | Steel Bars, Forgings, and Tubing, 1.0Cr - 2.50Ni - 2.0Mo - 1.10Si (0.10 - 0.20C), Premium Aircraft-Quality, Electroslag Remelted or Consumable Electrode Vacuum Remelted |
AMS6516 | Issued | Steel, Bars and Forgings, 1Cr - 10Ni - 7Co - 2Mo - 1.3W - 0.1V (0.28 - 0.32C) Vacuum Induction Melted, Vacuum Arc Remelted, Normalized and Annealed, Precipitation Hardenable |
AMS6905A | Revised | Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock, 6.0Al - 2.0Sn - 4.0Zr - 2.0Mo, Duplex Annealed |
AMS6907A | Revised | Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock, 6.0Al - 2.0Sn - 4.0Zr - 6.0Mo, Duplex Annealed |
AMS6947 | Issued | Titanium Alloy, Bars, Wire, Forgings, Rings, and Drawn Shapes, 4Al - 2.5V - 1.5Fe, Annealed, Heat Treatable |
AMS6948 | Issued | Titanium Alloy Bars, Wire, Forgings, Rings, and Drawn Shapes, 4Al - 2.5V - 1.5Fe, Annealed |
AMSC26074C | Cancelled | Electroless Nickel Coatings (Cancelled Jul 2011) |
SAE Recently Published Standards 2011 - New, Revised, Reaffirmed, and Cancelled SAE Ground Vehicle Standards Documents August 2011
Document | Status | Title |
J34_201107 | Revised | Exterior Sound Level Measurement Procedure for Recreational Motorboats |
J133_201107 | Stabilized | Fifth Wheel Kingpin Performance--Commercial Trailers and Semitrailers (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
J195_201107 | Cancelled | Automatic Vehicle Speed Control-Motor Vehicles (Cancelled Jul 2011) |
J640_201107 | Stabilized | Symbols for Hydrodynamic Drives (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
J697_201107 | Stabilized | Safety Chain of Full Trailers Or Converter Dollies (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
J700_201107 | Stabilized | Upper Coupler Kingpin--Commercial Trailers and Semitrailers (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
J847_201107 | Stabilized | Trailer Tow Bar Eye and Pintle Hook/Coupler Performance (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
J1377_201107 | Cancelled | Transmission Mounted Vehicle Speed Signal Rotor Specification (Cancelled Jul 2011) |
J1399_201107 | Cancelled | Electric Tachometer Specification (Cancelled Jul 2011) |
J1505_201107 | Revised | Brake Force Distribution Test Procedure-Trucks and Buses |
J2699_201107 | Issued | Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Vehicle Fuel |
J2879_201107 | Issued | Automotive Hydraulic Brake Tube Joints |
ISO 50001:2011 Energy management systems -- Requirements with guidance for use - Edition: 1 (Monolingual) - ICS: 27.010
ISO 50001:2011 specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system, whose purpose is to enable an organization to follow a systematic approach in achieving continual improvement of energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy use and consumption.
ISO 50001:2011 specifies requirements applicable to energy use and consumption, including measurement, documentation and reporting, design and procurement practices for equipment, systems, processes and personnel that contribute to energy performance.
ISO 50001:2011 applies to all variables affecting energy performance that can be monitored and influenced by the organization. ISO 50001:2011 does not prescribe specific performance criteria with respect to energy.
ISO 50001:2011 has been designed to be used independently, but it can be aligned or integrated with other management systems.
ISO 50001:2011 is applicable to any organization wishing to ensure that it conforms to its stated energy policy and wishing to demonstrate this to others, such conformity being confirmed either by means of self-evaluation and self-declaration of conformity, or by certification of the energy management system by an external organization.
ISO 50001:2011 specifies requirements applicable to energy use and consumption, including measurement, documentation and reporting, design and procurement practices for equipment, systems, processes and personnel that contribute to energy performance.
ISO 50001:2011 applies to all variables affecting energy performance that can be monitored and influenced by the organization. ISO 50001:2011 does not prescribe specific performance criteria with respect to energy.
ISO 50001:2011 has been designed to be used independently, but it can be aligned or integrated with other management systems.
ISO 50001:2011 is applicable to any organization wishing to ensure that it conforms to its stated energy policy and wishing to demonstrate this to others, such conformity being confirmed either by means of self-evaluation and self-declaration of conformity, or by certification of the energy management system by an external organization.
ABNT NBR ISO 50001:2011 - Sistemas de gestão da energia — Requisitos com orientações para uso - Data de Publicação : 15/06/2011

Esta Norma especifica requisitos para o estabelecimento, implementação, manutenção e melhoria de um sistema de gestão da energia, cujo propósito é habilitar uma organização a seguir uma abordagem sistemática para atendimento da melhoria contínua de seu desempenho energético, incluindo eficiência energética, uso e consumo de energia.
Esta norma poderá ser utilizada por organizações públicas e privadas no gerenciamento da eficiência energética, estabelecendo planos para implementação, manutenção e melhoria do desempenho no uso e consumo da energia.
A norma enfatiza a otimização contínua, com especificações para se estabelecer, implantar, manter e melhorar os sistemas de gestão de energia. O secretário-geral da ISO, Rob Steele, vê o processo como responsabilidade dos consumidores. “Organizações não podem controlar o preço da energia, as políticas públicas ou a economia global, mas podem melhorar a maneira com que usam a energia”.
A ISO 50001 é baseada nos mesmos elementos encontrados nas demais normas, sendo compatível com os selos ISO 9001 (qualidade de gestão) e ISO 14001 (gestão ambiental).
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
SAE Recently Published Standards 2011 - New, Revised, Reaffirmed, and Cancelled SAE Aerospace Documents August 2011
Document | Status | Title |
AIR1168/11A | Stabilized | Spacecraft Boost and Entry Heat Transfer (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AIR1168/12A | Stabilized | Spacecraft Thermal Balance (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AIR1168/13A | Stabilized | Spacecraft Equipment Environmental Control (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AIR1168/2A | Stabilized | Heat and Mass Transfer and Air-Water Mixtures (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AIR1168/5A | Stabilized | Aerothermodynamic Test Instrumentation and Measurement (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AIR1168/6A | Stabilized | Aircraft Fuel Weight Penalty Due to Air Conditioning (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AIR1168/7A | Stabilized | Aerospace Pressurization System Design (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AIR1168/8A | Stabilized | Aircraft Fuel Weight Penalty Due to Air Conditioning (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AIR1168/9A | Stabilized | Thermophysical Properties of the Natural Environment, Gases, Liquids, and Solids (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
ARP1179D | Stabilized | Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Exhaust Smoke Measurement (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
ARP1256D | Revised | Procedure for the Continuous Sampling and Measurement of Gaseous Emissions from Aircraft Turbine Engines |
AIR1419A | Reaffirmed | Inlet Total-Pressure-Distortion Considerations for Gas-Turbine Engines |
ARP1420B | Reaffirmed | Gas Turbine Engine Inlet Flow Distortion Guidelines |
AS1730D | Revised | Coupling, Fuel, Rigid, Threaded Type |
AS1985D | Revised | Fitting, Assembly, Adapter Ring Locked Port Connection to Flared Tube End |
ARP4048 | Reaffirmed | Balancing Machines - Description and Evaluation Horizontal, Two-Plane, Hard-Bearing Type for Gas Turbine Rotors |
ARP4050 | Reaffirmed | Balancing Machines - Description and Evaluation Vertical, Two-Plane, Hard-Bearing Type for Gas Turbine Rotors |
ARP4162A | Reaffirmed | Balancing Machine Proving Rotors |
AS4361A | Cancelled | Minimum Performance Standards for Aerospace Electric Power Converters (Cancelled Jul 2011) |
AS4984A | Revised | Coating Requirements for Aerospace Hand Tools |
AIR5826 | Reaffirmed | Distortion Synthesis/Estimation Techniques |
ARP6161 | Issued | Flight Compartment Glare |
ARP6166 | Issued | Minisimulator Method |
AS6449 | Issued | Solid Film Lubricant for Fluid Fittings in Oxygen, Potable Water, Hydraulic, and Other Systems |
AS6450 | Issued | Lubricant Application, Solid Film, Heat Cured, Potable Water, Hydraulic, and Oxygen Systems |
AS6554 | Issued | Cargo Stopper Devices |
AS7928/12B | Revised | Terminal, Lug, Crimp Style, Copper, Insulated, Ring Tongue, Bell-Mouthed, Tin Whisker Resistant, Type II, Class 1 (For 105 °C Total Conductor Temperature) |
AS9696D | Revised | Bolt, Machine - Double Hexagon Extended Washer Head, PD Shank, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steel, UNS N07001, 165 ksi min, .1900-32 UNJF-3A |
AS16781A | Cancelled | Fiber Optics Test Methods and Instrumentation (Cancelled Jul 2011) |
AS20708/131A | Revised | Synchro, Control Transmitter, Type 15CX4F (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS20708/39B | Revised | Synchro, Control Transformer, Type 19CTB4B |
AS20708/500A | Revised | Synchro, Torque Receiver, Type 26V-10TR4 (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS20708/55A | Revised | Synchro, Torque Differential Transmitter, Type 23TDX6C (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS20708/56A | Revised | Synchro, Torque Receiver Transmitter, Type 23TRX6B |
AS20708/62A | Revised | Synchro, Torque Receiver Transmitter, Type 31TRX4A |
AS20708/66A | Revised | Synchro, Torque Receiver Transmitter, Type 31TRX6A |
AS20708/67A | Revised | Synchro, Torque Differential Receiver, Type 31TDR6B (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS20708/68A | Revised | Synchro, Torque Differential Transmitter, Type 31TDX6C |
AS20708/70A | Revised | Synchro, Torque Receiver Transmitter, Type 37TRX4A |
AS20708/74A | Revised | Synchro, Torque Receiver Transmitter, Type 37TRX6A |
AS20708/76A | Revised | Synchro, Torque Differential Transmitter, Type 37TDX6A (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS20708/78A | Revised | Synchro, Control Transmitter, Type 26V-08CX4C |
AS20708/79A | Revised | Synchro, Control Transformer, Type 26V-08CT4C |
AS20708/80A | Revised | Synchro, Control Differential Transmitter, Type 26V-08CDX4C |
AS20708/81A | Revised | Synchro, Control Differential Transmitter, Type 11CDX4B |
AS22759/49 | Issued | Wire, Electrical, Fluoropolymer-Insulated, Crosslinked Modified ETFE, Low Fluoride, Normal Weight, 80 Microinch Silver-Coated, High-Strength Copper Alloy, 200 °C, 600 Volt |
AS25036C | Revised | Terminal, Lug, Crimp Style, Copper, Insulated, Ring Tongue, Bell-Mouthed, Type II, Class 1 (For 105 °C Total Conductor Temperature) |
AS25064A | Revised | Conduit, Flexible, Radio Frequency Shielding |
AS25065A | Revised | Ferrule, Flexible Conduit, Radio Frequency Shielding |
AS25067A | Revised | Conduit Assembly, Flexible, Radio Frequency Shielding |
AS25274A | Revised | Cap, Electrical (Wire End, Crimp Style, Type II, Class 1) for 105 °C Total Conductor Temperature |
AS34001B | Stabilized | Connector, Receptacle, Electric, Wall Mounting, Front Release, Crimp Contact, AN Type (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS34011A | Stabilized | Connectors, Receptacle, Electric, Cable Connecting, Front Release, Crimp Contact, AN Type (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS34041A | Stabilized | Connectors, Receptacle, Electric, Jam Nut Mounting, Front Release, Crimp Contact, AN Type (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS34061A | Stabilized | Connectors, Plug Electric, Front Release, Crimp Contact, An Type (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS81790A | Revised | Connectors, Receptacle, External Electric Power, Aircraft, General Specification For |
AS81822A | Stabilized | Wire, Electrical, Solderless Wrap, Insulated and Uninsulated, General Specification For (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS81822/10A | Stabilized | Wire, Electrical, Solderless Wrap, Unisulated, Silver Coated Solid Conductor (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS81822/1A | Stabilized | Wire, Electrical, Solderless Wrap, Polyethylene Terephthalate-Polyester Laminated Tape Insultation, Silver Coated Solid Conductor (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS81822/11A | Stabilized | Wire, Electrical, Solderless Wrap, Uninsulated, Gold Coated Solid Conductor (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS81822/12A | Stabilized | Wire, Electrical, Solderless Wrap, Uninsulated, Tin Coated Solid Conductor (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS81822/13A | Stabilized | Wire, Electrical, Solderless Wrap, Extruded Ethylene-Tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) Insulation, Silver Coated Solid Conductor (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS81822/15A | Stabilized | Wire, Electrical, Solderless Wrap, Extruded Ethylene-Chlorotrifluoroethylene (ECTFE) Insulation, Silver Coated Solid Conductor (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS81822/3A | Stabilized | Wire, Electrical, Solderless Wrap, Extruded Polyvinyidene Fluoride (PVDF) Insulation, Silver Coated Solid Conductor (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS81822/4A | Stabilized | Wire, Electrical, Solderless Wrap, Polyimide Coating Over Extruded Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Insulation, Silver Coated Solid Conductor (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS81822/5A | Stabilized | Wire, Electrical, Solderless Wrap, Fluorocarbon Polyimide Tape and Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Insulation, Silver Coated Solid Conductor (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS81822/6A | Stabilized | Wire, Electrical, Solderless Wrap, Extruded Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Insulation, Silver Coated Solid Conductor (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS81822/7A | Stabilized | Wire, Electrical, Solderless Wrap, Polyimide Jacket Over Extruded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Insulation, Tin Coated Solid Conductor (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS81822/8A | Stabilized | Wire, Electrical, Solderless Wrap, Polyimide Jacket Over Extruded Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Insulation, Silver Coated Solid Conductor (STABILIZED Jul 2011) |
AS81969 | Issued | Installing and Removal Tools, Connector Electrical Contact, General Specification For |
AS85049/80C | Revised | Connector Accessories, Electrical, Dummy Contact, Sizes 16, 12 and 8, Category 7 (For MIL-DTL-38999 Connectors) |
AS91101B | Revised | Bolt, Machine - Double Hexagon Extended Washer Head, Close Tolerance Shank, UNS S66286, 130 KSI Min, .1900-32 UNJF-3A |
AS91111B | Revised | Bolt, Machine - Double Hexagon Extended Washer Head, Close Tolerance Shank, UNS S66286 130 Ksi Min, .2500-28 UNJF-3A |
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