Aviation Week & Space Technology has been the world’s leading news weekly for global aviation, aerospace and defense professionals for over 90 years. Its venerable team of reporters and editors provide readers with the knowledge and tools required to understand the significant developments in the industry and their implications in order to improve decision making, build strategy and increase profits. Readers from over 190 countries trust and rely on it for issues pertaining to the military, commercial and space industries. Each issue provides current and in-depth understanding to the technology, business and operations shaping the marketplace. Readers stay informed on trends, pending and approved legislation and policy, new products and advancements, and applications affecting: engines, avionics, and electronics; airports and air traffic management; command, control and communications; financial markets; homeland security and much more.
O Mundo Científico Publicações é uma empresa que possui altos padrões de qualidade, integridade e excelência no fornecimento eficiente e econômico de publicações e na representação de editoras, associações e entidades normativas internacionais no Brasil. Vendemos publicações técnicas, Nacionais e Internacionais: Livros novos, raros, antigos, esgotados e que não existem no mercado brasileiro. Mantemos contatos com mais de 800 editoras, 250 livrarias e antiquários do mundo inteiro.