Title: Specification for M1 vehicles for the carriage of one or more passengers seated in wheelchairs. Manufacturing requirements
Publication Date: 16 April 2012
ICS: 03.220.20 (Road transport), 11.180.10 (Aids and adaptation for moving), 43.040.9
Committee: ZZ/1
ISBN: 978 0 580 65632 3
"A Publicly Available Specification" (PAS) is a sponsored fast-track standard driven by the needs of the client organisations and developed according to guidelines set out by BSI.
"Key stakeholders are brought together to collaboratively produce a BSI-endorsed PAS that has all the functionality of a British Standard for the purposes of creating management systems, product benchmarks and codes of practice. After two years the PAS is reviewed and a decision is made as to whether it should be taken forward to become a formal British Standard.” – British Standards Institute.
Since 2008 Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Converters’ Association WAVCA have been working towards producing a new PAS for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles. PAS 2012 – Specification for M1 vehicles.
Intended to be used alongside Type Approval, PAS 2012 offers a manufacturers and potential customers alike guidance on design and build specification for wheelchair accessible vehicles.
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